How EEF's Optimize Turf & Ornamental Health and Minimize Environmental Impact

Protecting the quality of our air, water and soil is a responsibility we all share. That responsibility includes understanding how to use fertilizers in the right way to optimize nutrient efficiency and minimize losses to the environment.

Fertilizing the Right Way
4R nutrient stewardship logo

Allied Nutrients supports 4R Nutrient Stewardship*, a science-based approach to best management practices. This involves applying the Right nutrient source at the Right rate at the Right time in the Right place. Adopting these practices helps to make sure fertilizers are used responsibly.

The 4R approach offers flexibility in achieving responsible nutrient management. However, there is also room to make the wrong choices, or conditions may change that are beyond your control. This can create the potential for off-site nutrient movement including leaching, denitrification, runoff and volatilization. Some of these processes present potential risks to the environment.

* The 4R approach is endorsed and supported by the International Plant Nutrition Institute, The Fertilizer Institute, The Canadian Fertilizer Institute and the International Fertilizer Industry Association.

Choosing the Right Source

All of the 4Rs work together, but selecting the right source goes a long way in minimizing risks. With so many fertilizers on the market, making that choice may not be so easy. You should take a serious look at enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEFs). These products are valuable tools to help optimize nutrient efficiency and limit the potential for off-site mobility.

There are Three Categories of EEFs in the Allied Nutrient Portfolio:

Controlled-release fertilizers protect nutrients inside a durable polymer coating, slowly releasing them based on coating properties and temperature.

Slow-release fertilizers protect nutrients inside sulfur-based coatings, or store nitrogen (N) in organic chains, increasing the period of nutrient availability.

Stabilized nitrogen helps retain N in plant-available forms in the soil, reducing losses due to leaching, denitrification, runoff and volatilization.

Effective and Responsible

When applied at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place, EEFs provide solutions that contribute to environmental responsibility:

  • Reducing N volatilization and slowing the conversion to nitrate means more N remains available to plants
  • With gradual metering of N, uptake by the plant is optimized; less is underutilized, reducing potential loss to the environment
  • The result is more efficient nutrient use, meaning your customers can apply less N, which not only benefits the environment; it helps to preserve this vital resource as well
  • In fact, a season-long fertilization program incorporating EEFs can add up to 40% less N use per year
Awareness and Compliance

Regulations and restrictions on fertilizer use are on the rise. Be sure you find out about any restrictions or regulations that may affect fertilizer use in your area. Being compliant shows you are environmentally responsible in your use of fertilizers.

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